15+ Shopify Donation Apps To Simplify Giving Campaigns


15+ Shopify Donation Apps To Simplify Giving Campaigns

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A donation feature for your Shopify store can transform your business into a powerful force for good. Shopify donation apps make it easy for customers to give to causes they care about while they shop. This blog reviews the top Shopify donation apps to help you select the best app.

What is the Shopify App?

What is the Shopify App?

The Shopify Donation App lets you add a charitable giving option to your store effortlessly. Customers make donations to causes they care about right during checkout. Additionally, you can customize donation amounts and choose which charities to support. Shopify donation apps will integrate smoothly with your Shopify setup and provide tools to track donations. 

Related post: 12 Best Shopify Marketing Apps to increase sales

Quick Comparisons of Top Shopify Donation Apps


App Name



Free version


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Sprout: Plant Trees Grow Sales


$0.43/ tree


5/5 of 268 votes votes

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Easy Donation

Zestard Technologies

Basic: $6.99/m

Advance: $9.99/m


4.8/5 of 167 votes

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EcoCart: Carbon Neutral Orders


Pay as you give


4.6/5 of 154 votes

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Shop for Good Donation App


Startup: Free to install

Emerging: $299/m

Scaling: $700/m


4.9/5 of 148 votes

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ShoppingGives ‑ Donation App


Starter: $24/m

Plus: $375/m

Partner: $1,045/m


4.3/5 of 112 votes

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Give & Grow Donations


Additional charges may apply


3.8/5 of 73 votes

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Virtue ‑ Charity Donations

Pledger Giving Ltd

Pay as you give: $0.36/m

Impact +: $29/m

Impact Unlimited: $69/m


5/5 of 64 votes

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Donate Source ‑ Charity Widget

Prezen Apps

Basic: $3.99/m

Pro: $5.99/m

Advanced: $7.99/m


4.4/5 of 55 votes

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One Tree Planted at Checkout

One Tree Planted



4.7/5 of 41 votes

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Greenspark: Your Climate App

Conscious Ventures Ltd

Starter: $9/m

Growth: $39/m

Premium: $99/m


5/5 of 36 votes

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DonateMate for Donations

Aviative Consulting

Seed: $10/m

Growth: $30/m

Plus: $99/m


4.9/5 of 32 votes

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Givz Donation Driven Marketing


Basic: $19/m

Essential: $99/m

Advanced: $299/m


5/5 of 23 votes

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Donate & Grow Sales ‑ Goodness




4.8/5 of 16 votes

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Donation Pop | Pop‑up in cart


Premium: $9.99/m


5/5 of 6 votes

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Donate Bee ‑ Accept Donations


Basic: $5/m


5/5 of 4 votes

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Top 15 Shopify Shopify Donation Apps

1. Sprout: Plant Trees Grow Sales

1. Sprout: Plant Trees Grow Sales

Sprout helps merchants enhance their sustainability efforts by integrating tree planting into their stores. Businesses support global environmental initiatives and build customer loyalty through eco-conscious actions.

Key Features

  • Automated Donations: Sprout automates tree planting donations based on sales, reviews, or email signups.
  • Marketing Impact: The app supports marketing on the Home, Product, Cart, Thank You, Order Status, and Checkout pages.
  • Multi-Currency & Multi-Language Support: Sprout offers marketing badges compatible with multiple currencies and languages.
  • Premium Media Library: The app includes a library of photos and videos to showcase environmental impact.
  • Dedicated Support: Sprout provides a dedicated support team to assist with setup and integration.

Pros & Cons



  • Customer Loyalty: Sprout helps build stronger relationships with eco-conscious customers by aligning your business with environmental causes.
  • Positive Brand Image: Tree planting integration in your business can enhance your brand’s reputation as a sustainable and socially responsible company.
  • Effortless Sustainability: Automation allows businesses to contribute to environmental efforts with minimal effort.
  • Global Goodwill: By supporting global non-profits, your business can contribute to meaningful environmental initiatives worldwide.
  • Limited Appeal: The app’s focus on sustainability may not appeal to all customer segments.


  • 50 FREE trees
  • $0.43/ additional tree


5/5 of 268 reviews

2. Easy Donation

Easy Donation

Easy Donation streamlines the process of collecting donations for various causes. Organizations can integrate a donation widget into their websites effortlessly. In addition, shoppers can contribute any amount they wish, which will be added to their order total. 

Key Features

Flexible Widget Placement: Users can place the donation widget anywhere on their site, such as the home page, product pages, cart, checkout, blog, or any standalone page.

  • Customizable Donation Options: Customers have the freedom to choose any amount for donation, which will be automatically added to their order total.
  • Single and Multiple Widgets: Subscribers can select between single or multiple donation widgets according to their plan.
  • Standalone Donation Pages: Administrators can set up dedicated donation pages for churches, NGOs, or nonprofits worldwide to increase the visibility and accessibility of their cause.
  • Global NGO Connectivity: Users can connect with NGOs and charities globally without restrictions, providing diverse options for charitable partnerships.
  • Multi-Language Support: Multiple languages make it accessible to a wide range of international users.
  • Custom Receipts and Tracking: Users can create personalized donation receipts and track contributions using detailed admin reports.

Pros & Cons



  • Versatile Integration: Businesses benefit from the app's flexibility in placing donation widgets at optimal locations on their sites.
  • Global Reach: Organizations can expand their charitable efforts by utilizing the app’s multilingual support and global NGO connections.
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Donors are more likely to participate due to the app’s easy and customizable donation options.
  • Seamless Experience: The integration of donations into the checkout process simplifies customers' contribution process.
  • Effective Tracking: The app provides comprehensive tracking and receipt customization, ensuring transparency and accountability for donation campaigns.
  • Plan Limitations: Users may face limitations in functionality based on their plan, affecting access to single or multiple widgets.
  • Customization Needs: Those with specific customization requirements might need to invest additional time in setting up the app to meet their needs.


  • Basic: $6.99/month
  • Advance: $9.99/month


4.8/5 of 167 reviews

3. EcoCart: Carbon Neutral Orders

EcoCart: Carbon Neutral Orders

This EcoCart sustainability platform calculates and offsets the carbon emissions associated with online orders. Online businesses create transparency about their ecological footprint and offer a solution to mitigate that impact.

Key Features

  • Carbon Neutral Checkout: EcoCart calculates each order's carbon footprint and offsets it to ensure a carbon-neutral checkout experience for customers.
  • Sustainability Analytics and Insights: The app provides detailed analytics and insights into shoppers' sustainable behaviors and helps businesses understand and leverage these trends.
  • Multi-Page Sustainability Experiences: Users can create sustainability-focused experiences across multiple pages.

Pros & Cons



  • Enhanced Transparency: Businesses benefit from clear communication about their ecological impact to build trust and brand reputation.
  • Increased Conversions: The carbon-neutral checkout can drive higher online conversions and appeal to eco-conscious customers.
  • Actionable Insights: The app provides valuable insights into sustainable shopping behaviors, enabling businesses to tailor their marketing strategies effectively.
  • Improved Customer Engagement: The multi-page sustainability experiences help engage customers throughout their journey and encourage continued interaction.
  • No Refunds: The company may retire donation offsets and not offer refunds for previous charges.


  • Pay as you give


4.6/5 of 154 reviews

4. Shop for Good Donation App

Shop for Good Donation App

DailyKarma helps brands drive impact and boost customer loyalty by integrating donation opportunities into their operations. DailyKarma simplifies charitable contributions to support charities consistently without donating a percentage of sales year-round.

Key Features

  • Round-Up Donations: The app allows customers to round up their change to donate to charity at the cart or checkout stage.
  • Incentive-Based Giving: Businesses can offer discounts or gifts to customers as a thank you for their donations.
  • Product-Specific Donations: The app enables brands to donate a percentage of sales from specific products, collections, or other categories.
  • Flat Amount Donations: Customers can donate fixed amounts through product detail pages (PDP), checkout, or in-store point-of-sale (POS) systems.
  • Compliance and Distribution Services: DailyKarma manages commercial co-venturing compliance and charity donation distribution.

Pros & Cons



  • Enhanced Customer Loyalty: The app strengthens customer relationships by aligning donations with causes customers care about.
  • Increased Brand Relevance: Businesses stay relevant by supporting trending nonprofits from a comprehensive database.
  • Flexible Donation Options: The app offers various donation methods, including round-ups, flat amounts, and percentage-based donations, providing flexibility for both customers and brands.
  • Simplified Compliance: DailyKarma handles complex compliance and distribution tasks, easing the administrative load on businesses.
  • Customer Incentives: Discounts or gifts in exchange for donations can boost customer engagement and promote repeat business.
  • Perceived Greed: Some users feel the pricing structure prioritizes profit over genuine social impact.
  • High Cost: The app's minimum monthly fee of $270 is high for small businesses seeking to support charitable causes.


  • Startup: Free to install
  • Emerging: $299/month
  • Scaling: $700/month


4.9/5 of 148 reviews

5. ShoppingGives ‑ Donation App

ShoppingGives ‑ Donation App

ShoppingGives offers a comprehensive social impact strategy for brands aiming to integrate charitable giving into their operations. It is an end-to-end donation management solution that meets regulatory requirements for 501(c)3 nonprofits. 

Key Features

  • End-to-End Donation Management: ShoppingGives manages the entire donation process, ensuring 100% regulatory compliance for all transactions.
  • Full Donation Transfer: The app guarantees that 100% of donations are sent directly to the supported nonprofits.
  • Actionable Data Insights: Users receive detailed data to allocate budgets better and personalize marketing strategies.
  • Omnichannel Giving Experience: ShoppingGives integrates with Shopify POS to create a unified giving experience both online and offline.
  • Product-Based Donation Management: The app allows businesses to manage donation amounts and exclusions by product SKU and variant.

Pros & Cons



  • Regulatory Compliance: The app ensures that all donations are fully compliant with legal requirements, reducing administrative burdens.
  • Transparent Donations: Businesses can trust that all donations are directed entirely to their chosen nonprofits.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: The app provides actionable insights that help brands optimize their marketing efforts and budget allocation.
  • Delayed Donations: Users experienced significant delays in receiving donated funds, impacting timely charity payments.
  • Limited Customization: The app's donation rounding feature defaults to $1 and require manual adjustments in small increments


  • Starter: $24/month
  • Plus: $375/month
  • Partner: $1,045/month


4.3/5 of 112 reviews

6. Give & Grow Donations

Give & Grow Donations

Give & Grow Donations features verified nonprofits worldwide and offers multiple ways to give back. Donation tracking helps brands manage their social impact efficiently.

Key Features

  • Charity Selection and Integration: Users can select their preferred charities and choose how they want to give back, starting the donation process in minutes.
  • Increased LTV and AOV: The app helps boost customer loyalty, which in turn increases overall LTV and AOV.
  • Automated Tax Receipts: Pledge automates the generation of tax receipts and donation processing, saving time and resources.
  • Real-Time Impact Calculator: The app displays the impact of donations in real-time, helping businesses showcase their social contributions.
  • Transparent Reporting: Users receive clear and comprehensive reporting on donations and their impacts, all in one place.

Pros & Cons



  • Quick Setup: Businesses can start integrating charitable donations within minutes.
  • Enhanced Customer Loyalty: The app helps increase customer loyalty, contributing to higher LTV and AOV.
  • Efficient Processing: Automated tax receipts and donation processing save valuable time and resources.
  • Impact Visibility: The real-time impact calculator allows businesses to display their charitable contributions effectively.
  • Clear Reporting: The app provides transparent and detailed donation reporting.
  • Limited Charity Options: Some users might find the selection of verified nonprofits limited compared to their preferred causes.


  • Pay as you give


3.8/5 of 73 reviews

7. Virtue ‑ Charity Donations

7. Virtue ‑ Charity Donations

Virtue empowers businesses to integrate meaningful environmental and social impact into their operations. Multiple ways to engage customers in giving back with over 40,000 UK and international charities while still helping businesses achieve their sustainability goals.

Key Features

  • Wide Cause Selection: Users can choose from over 40,000 UK and international causes, including sustainability, social issues, and animal welfare.
  • Store Donations: Businesses can select 1-3 causes to donate to from their sales, directly contributing to social impact.
  • Customer Donations: Customers can add donations before and after purchase, with options for donation matching and roundups.
  • Impact Tracking: The app tracks and shares the impact of donations, including trees planted, carbon offset, and money donated.

Pros & Cons



  • Extensive Cause Options: The app provides access to a broad range of causes, catering to various interests and values.
  • Flexible Donation Methods: Businesses and customers can contribute through store donations, customer donations, and matching options.
  • Impact Visibility: The app effectively tracks and displays the impact of donations, showcasing the positive outcomes.
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Virtue’s features support cause marketing and customer engagement to boost brand loyalty.
  • Potential Costs: The app may involve additional costs, which could impact the budget for charitable activities.


  • Pay as you give: $0.36/month
  • Impact +: $29/month
  • Impact Unlimited: $69/month


5/5 of 64 reviews

8. Donate Source ‑ Charity Widget

Donate Source ‑ Charity Widget

Donate Source integrates a seamless donation system directly into your Shopify store, as you do not need any third-party payment providers. A donation option in your store can raise awareness and encourage contributions to meaningful causes.

Key Features

  • Donation Options: Users can add single or multiple donation options and easily edit them in the app’s settings.
  • Order Tagging: The app tags orders to track various donations, providing real-time analytics.
  • Multi-Language Support: Donate Source offers multiple language translations to match your store's language.
  • Automated Receipts: The app automatically sends customized donation receipts to customers after each donation.
  • Customizable Widgets: Users can customize donation widgets and include a custom-price donation option.

Pros & Cons



  • Easy Management: Users can quickly add and adjust donation options through the app’s settings.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Order tagging allows for accurate tracking and analytics of donations.
  • Automated Receipts: The app simplifies receipt management by sending customized donation receipts automatically.
  • Customizable Features: The app provides flexible options for customizing donation widgets and amounts.
  • No weekend support: Support is unavailable on weekends and may delay the resolution of critical issues.


  • Basic: $3.99/month
  • Pro: $5.99/month
  • Advanced: $7.99/month


4.4/5 of 55 reviews

9. One Tree Planted at Checkout

One Tree Planted at Checkout

The Tree Planting Checkout app enables businesses to directly integrate a simple environmental initiative into their checkout process. Customers can plant a tree for $1.00 per transaction, and the app helps stores contribute to global reforestation efforts with One Tree Planted, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Key Features

  • Simple Donation Option: The app allows customers to add $1.00 to their order to plant a tree.
  • Donation Tracking: Users can view and share the number of trees their store has planted.
  • No Hidden Fees: The app charges a straightforward $1.00 per tree, with no additional fees.
  • Multi-Language Support: The app is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Danish, Finnish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Thai, Chinese (Simplified), and Swedish.
  • Wide Integration: The app works with Checkout, Easy Invoice+, POS, Mobile, Post Purchase Offers, Thank You Page Offers, and Online Store 2.0.

Pros & Cons



  • Transparent Pricing: The $1.00 fee per tree is clear with no hidden costs.
  • Multilingual Support: The app supports multiple languages, making it accessible to a broad audience.
  • Impact Tracking: Users can track and share their environmental impact easily.
  • Customer Engagement: The app engages customers by involving them in sustainability efforts.
  • Persistent Widget Display: The widget appears permanently on the site and can be distracting.
  • Positioning Issues: The widget sits at the bottom, overlapping with the live chat icon and can make it hard to read.


  • FREE


4.7/5 of 41 reviews

10. Greenspark: Your Climate App

Greenspark: Your Climate App

Greenspark aims to integrate sustainability into your eCommerce strategy by allowing customers to contribute to tree planting, plastic rescue, and carbon offsetting. Its features can enhance your customer engagement and boost key metrics such as conversion rates and lifetime value.

Key Features

  • Customizable Setup: Users can attach impact to products, orders, and spending.
  • Global Projects: The app supports climate and social projects worldwide.
  • Increased Metrics: It helps increase conversions, basket size, and repeat purchases.
  • Engagement Tools: Customers receive tailored certificates, dashboards, and project updates.
  • App Integration: The app integrates with hundreds of other apps to expand its impact.

Pros & Cons



  • Versatile Customization: The app allows extensive customization to align with various sustainability goals.
  • Enhanced Metrics: Users report improved conversion rates, increased order values, and higher retention.
  • Engaging Experience: The app provides customers with engaging features like certificates and dashboards.
  • Broad Integration: It works well with numerous other apps, enhancing overall functionality.
  • Complex Setup: The initial setup can be complex and time-consuming to integrate with the store completely.


  • Free
  • Starter: $9/month
  • Growth: $39/month
  • Premium: $99/month


5/5 of 36 reviews

11. DonateMate for Donations

DonateMate for Donations

Givz can enhance your sales and customer loyalty through donation incentives. The app helps you increase lifetime value (LTV) by offering shoppers opportunities to contribute to charity while making purchases.

Key Features

  • Donation on All Orders: The app allows you to donate a percentage of all sales to charity, aiming to boost conversions.
  • Spend Threshold Incentives: You can set thresholds where spending over a certain amount triggers a charity donation, designed to increase AOV.
  • Product-Specific Donations: The app enables donations on specific products, encouraging purchases of targeted items.
  • Coupon Codes: Users can apply coupon codes that offer discounts and donations, useful for A/B testing different strategies.

Pros & Cons



  • Increases Conversions: Donation incentives can increase conversion rates by appealing to socially conscious shoppers.
  • Boosts AOV: Setting spend thresholds can lead to increased average order values.
  • Encourages Targeted Purchases: Product-specific donations can help move inventory and boost sales of particular items.
  • Free to Start: Users can utilize Givz without initial costs.
  • Potential for Lower Margins: The cost of donations might impact profit margins if not managed carefully.


  • Free
  • Seed: $10/month
  • Growth: $30/month
  • Plus: $99/month


4.9/5 of 32 reviews

12. Givz Donation Driven Marketing

Givz Donation Driven Marketing

Givz is a powerful way to boost store sales and foster customer loyalty through donation incentives. This donation app provides options to drive sales and increase average order value (AOV) without relying on traditional discounts. 

Key Features

  • Give Back on All Orders: Users can set a goal of donating a percentage of all sales to charity, aiming to increase conversions.
  • Set a Spend Threshold: The app offers users a donation incentive when customers spend over a specific amount, such as 5% for charity on purchases above $80.
  • Specific Products: Users can designate a portion of sales from specific products, like 20% from all pink items, to support charitable causes.
  • Coupon Codes: The app supports using coupon codes that offer discounts and donate a percentage to charity, which can be tested in A/B scenarios.

Pros & Cons



  • Boosts Conversions: The app effectively increases conversion rates by offering donation incentives instead of discounts.
  • Enhances AOV: Setting spend thresholds encourages customers to spend more to reach donation milestones.
  • Flexible Donations: Users can target specific products for charitable contributions, providing versatile fundraising options.
  • Coupon Integration: Combining discounts with charitable donations can attract more customers and increase sales.
  • High Pricing: Givz has higher pricing than other Shopify donation tools.


  • Basic: $19/month
  • Essential: $99/month
  • Advanced: $299/month


5/5 of 23 reviews

13. Donate & Grow Sales ‑ Goodness

Donate & Grow Sales ‑ Goodness

Goodness is a simple way to boost sales and customer loyalty by integrating donation options into your Shopify store. This app allows shoppers to choose where a portion of their purchase goes to improve conversion rates.

Key Features

  • Shoppers Choose Donations: The app lets customers vote on which charities receive part of their purchase, aiming to improve conversion rates and lifetime value.
  • Quick Setup: Users can integrate Goodness into their Shopify store in just a few minutes.
  • Personalized Dashboard: The app provides a dashboard with real-time analytics to track donation impact and performance.
  • Charity Selection: You can select from a list of vetted local and global charities or add your preferred ones.
  • Marketing Integration: The app enhances marketing campaigns and automation by incorporating donation options.

Pros & Cons



  • Boosts Engagement: Allowing customers to choose charities can increase engagement and loyalty.
  • Easy Integration: The native Shopify integration facilitates a quick setup process.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Users can monitor their impact with personalized dashboards and real-time analytics.
  • Charity Flexibility: The app supports a range of vetted charities and allows you to include your own.
  • Basic Reporting: The dashboard and analytics might lack depth for users needing advanced reporting features.


  • FREE


4.8/5 of 16 reviews

14. Donation Pop | Pop‑up in cart

Donation Pop | Pop‑up in cart

Donation Pop enables your customers to add a donation to their order before checkout. This app is ideal for businesses that support humanitarian or social causes with a simple way to collect donations directly through your Shopify store.

Key Features

  • Donation Pop-Up: The app displays a donation pop-up on the cart page and a slide-out cart before checkout.
  • Customizable Amounts: Users can set customizable or flat dollar donation amounts.
  • Design Flexibility: You can customize all content and design elements of the donation pop-up.
  • Theme Compatibility: The app is tested and works with all official free Shopify themes.

Pros & Cons



  • Customizable Options: Users can adjust donation amounts and designs to fit their brand’s needs.
  • Supports Causes: The app helps businesses collect donations for social and humanitarian causes.
  • Free Theme Compatibility: It works with all official free Shopify themes.
  • Pop-Up Interruptions: Some users may find the pop-up intrusive or disruptive to the shopping experience.
  • Design Constraints: Customization options for the pop-up design may be limited compared to more advanced solutions.


  • Free
  • Premium: $9.99/m


5/5 of 6 reviews

Related post: 16+ Best Shopify Popup Apps

15. Donate Bee ‑ Accept Donations

Donate Bee ‑ Accept Donations

DonateBee allows you to integrate fundraising initiatives directly into your Shopify store. The app will help you set up and manage multiple donation goals through live updates and customizable landing pages.

Key Features

  • Set Up Multiple Donation Goals: Users can create and manage various fundraising goals for different causes or projects.
  • Show Real-Time Progress: The app displays live updates on the progress of each donation goal and the total amount raised.
  • Flexible Donation Options: DonateBee provides various options for customers to contribute, enhancing engagement.

Pros & Cons



  • Comprehensive Goal Management: The app allows users to handle multiple fundraising goals simultaneously.
  • Engaging Updates: Real-time progress tracking keeps customers informed and involved.
  • Flexible Contributions: Various donation options cater to different customer preferences.
  • Basic Analytics: The app’s reporting features only provide surface-level insights into donation trends.


  • Basic: $5/month


5/5 of 4 reviews

How to Choose Your Shopify Donation App?

How to Choose Your Shopify Donation App?

Customizable Donation Options

Customizable donation options allow you to offer preset donation amounts or let customers decide how much they want to give. By providing flexibility, you make it easier for customers to contribute in a way that fits their budget, leading to higher donation rates.

Easy Checkout

Another important feature is easy integration with the checkout process. Ideally, a donation app should seamlessly fit into your store’s existing checkout flow. This allows customers to add a donation with minimal effort. 

The app can ensure that the donation process does not disrupt the purchasing journey. As a result, customers are more likely to complete their transactions and make donations.

Real-Time Tracking

Real-time tracking and reporting are crucial features for any Shopify donation app. This capability enables you to monitor donations as they are made and provides immediate insights into how much money is being raised and where it’s coming from.

Additionally, detailed reporting tools offer transparency by showing how donations are being allocated and used. This transparency would build trust with your donors and keep them engaged by demonstrating the tangible results of their generosity.


Can Shopify donation apps handle different types of donations?

Yes, Shopify donation apps can handle different types of donations. Here are some common options:

  • One-Time Donations: Most apps allow customers to make a one-time donation. This is straightforward and suitable for donors who prefer to contribute a specific amount once.
  • Recurring Donations: Many apps offer donors the option to set up recurring contributions. This feature lets customers choose a frequency (e.g., monthly or annually) for their donations, providing steady support for your cause.
  • Custom Amounts: Donation apps often allow customers to enter a custom amount rather than choosing from preset options. This flexibility caters to donors who wish to contribute an amount that suits their budget.
  • Round-Up Donations: Some apps allow customers to round up their purchase total to the nearest dollar and donate the difference, generating small yet steady contributions.
  • Donation Tiers: Apps may provide preset donation tiers (e.g., $10, $25, $50) that donors can select. This approach simplifies the donation process and helps donors easily choose an amount that aligns with their giving capacity.

Are Shopify donation apps secure?

Yes, Shopify donation apps are secure. Advanced encryption technologies protect sensitive information like payment details and donor data. Shopify ensures that all apps on its platform comply with stringent security standards, and developers must adhere to best practices for data protection. 

Additionally, Shopify has built-in security features, like fraud detection and monitoring. As a result, donors can confidently make contributions, knowing their information is safe and secure.

Related post: Shopify Partial Payments: A Comprehensive Guide

Do Shopify donation apps charge transaction fees?

Yes, Shopify donation apps often charge transaction fees. Typically, donation apps charge a percentage of each donation or a flat fee per transaction. Some apps may also have monthly subscription fees or setup costs. 

Shopify may charge fees for transactions processed through its platform. Before choosing a donation app, it's important to review its fee structure to understand the total cost and how it might impact your fundraising efforts.


To wrap up, selecting a Shopify donation app with the right features can transform your fundraising strategy.

For an eye-catching and effective donation page, try Ecomposer. This powerful tool can help you design stunning pages quickly and easily for even higher rate of donation!


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